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So, at this stage in my journey, I’m starting to realize how simple foods can either be the root of the problem or the hallmark for healing. I’m also starting to realize that these “diseases” our bodies develop are actually coping mechanisms to battle our toxic lifestyles. Think about it, why is there a need for your blood pressure to go up? Well, if you aren’t getting enough oxygen and nutrients to the cells, your heart has to pump harder to get those life supporting molecules to where they need to go. It’s a physiological adaptation of your body. The fact that your blood pressure is high, is a sign that your body is trying to cope with something – high blood pressure isn’t the problem in and of itself, and in fact, it’s what’s keeping you alive.
Through my research, I’m now finding dozens of people throughout the world who have overcome their challenges with (previously considered incurable) disease. Not just managing the symptoms, but reversing the disease. And we’re not talking just blood pressure, here – I mean Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, et cetera. Doctors are telling people, “I’m sorry, but you have an incurable (sometimes terminal) disease. There is no cure. You’re going to have to take medication for the rest of your life. You should start getting your affairs in order.”
Wait a second! “No cure?” “Terminal?” “Medication?”
In today’s technologically-advanced society, it’s easy to share information. Some can be good, and some can be bad. But, what we’re finding, is that you DON’T have to have a medical degree to understand the body. You don’t have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical school to learn about medicine. If you have an internet connection, you have access to the same information as your doctor. In fact, one could argue that some janitors, engineers – you know…”normal people” – could know more about their body (and by extension others’) than doctors do.
If there’s no hope to cure these diseases – then why can you find people like,
Colin Potter, who founded www.fight-parkinsons.org and who’s helped thousands of people with Parkinson’s, or
Mary Newport who mainstreamed the efficacy of MCT oil and a Ketogenic diet for the treatment of Alzheimer’s, or
Vita, who records her winning fight agains with Hashimoto’s, or
Logan Sneed, who recovered from Stage 4 Glioblastoma Brain Cancer – BRAIN CANCER, people!
The doctors gave them the same prognosis – “it’s hopeless.” Are their genetics bad enough to give rise to disease yet they’re lucky enough to swing back from it?
They took matters into their own hands. They rose to the challenge and fought back. They knew deep down that IF there was a way, that they were going to find out what it was, and they were not going to fall victim and become a statistic. They managed to tap into what makes us human – the ability to think. What they found, was that diet alone is at the core of health. Eliminate toxic exposure from your environment and provide your body what it needs to be healthy, and it will be healthy.
Now, I’m seeing that there are no excuses. There’s no reason to sit back and take pity for a “bad break.” Sure it sucks! Yes, it’s horrible. But there is SOMETHING that can be done about it! It’s just not what everyone thinks it is. It’s not where everyone is looking. It’s not found inside a pharmacy – it’s found inside YOU.
So, why then – are doctors prescribing medications…for life? Not just for disease – but for blood pressure, cholesterol, heartburn, allergies, headaches and on and on. If these are normal reactions of your body to cope with stress, is it a good idea to challenge the body? Is it a good idea to take a drug to alter that innate intelligence at will? I mean – what could go wrong?
The more I learned about the body, the more a burning question started to develop inside my head. If most of the issues we experience are due to toxic lifestyles, and all disease can be reversed through eliminating toxic exposure…what is medication for? Is it any good? Is it any help? Or, is it just more of the very toxins we’re trying to eradicate?
Then, I came across an article by Donald W. Light, Joel Lexchin and Jonathan J. Darrow, Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs. [1]
- Between 2002 and 2011, only 8% of new drug products offered some advantage – but 15.6% of those new drugs presented more risk of harm than benefit.
- 92% of medications out there are as effective (or more harmful) than a placebo.
- 1 in 5 of NMEs (drugs that are marginally different than previous drugs) eventually cause enough serious harm in patients to warrant a severe warning or withdrawal from the market – 1 in 3 if those were “priority drugs” that were reviewed in half the normal time.
- Employees of drug makers wrote to Congress, arguing that “requiring companies to make honest claims about safe drugs would put thousands out of work.”
This can’t possibly be true.
Has greed of money endangered our well being? Surely the FDA has something to say about this. After all, they test these things out, right? [2]
WHAT THE %&*@!
Now, I’m concerned. Not only are doctors missing the root cause of our ailments, they are prescribing dangerous drugs that are only going to make us sicker?! No wonder the medical community is a loss for an answer – it’s part of the freakin’ problem.
Click here to continue on Tobias’ journey: Part 5: Helplessness
[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24088149
[2] https://www.fda.gov/drugs/resourcesforyou/specialfeatures/ucm279676.htm#2
Featured Photo by Sam Mgrdichian on Unsplash