A lot of people ask, “How do I get started?”
This is a great question, because there’s a lot of information out there, and it can be confusing and overwhelming. I recommend you check out the 5 Simple Rules to Losing Weight article, but you clicked on this post for that ONE THING!
No, it has nothing to do with eliminating sugar, processed foods or refined carbohydrates – although those will really help. It’s not even exercise or sleep or intermittent fasting – all of which are GREAT ways to lose weight and get healthy, by the way. So what is it?
Well, forget everything you think you know about weight loss. Ignore all the advertisements on TV that say, “Check with your doctor to see if these side effects are right for you.” Clear your brain. Close your eyes (well, not literally – ’cause then how else would you read this). Ask yourself, “Why do I want to get healthy?” Picture yourself in a dress size (or two or three) down from where you are right now. Imagine yourself playing with your kids or grandkids like you used to. Visualize yourself being happy and smiling and laughing. Your goals are possible! You are worth it! You will do it. You must believe it. You have to need it. You have to use all that pent up emotion (the anger, the embarrassment, the shame, the disappointment, the fear, the regret, the hopelessness, the exhaustion) and turn that into what drives you. Use it to fuel passion for getting healthy. For every moment of doubt you have in yourself, I want you to find that feeling inside of you. Maybe it’s in your head or your chest or your stomach. Dig it out of you (metaphorically speaking of course). Hold it in your hand. Feel the weight of it sinking into your palm. Now, squeeze as hard as you can – until your fingers hurt – and scream from the depths of your being! This is where you make a stand! THIS moment, is where you WIN! Feel that object of doubt crumble under your will to fight back. As you feel it break down like a clump of sand, slowly release your grasp, work your fingers back and forth and rub your hands together – washing away the remains of what was there. You are ready. Say to yourself, “I can do this.” Shout to yourself, “I can DO THIS!” Now, believe it.
What’s the number one thing you can do to start Heading Healthy? START.
Leave everything else behind. There are NO reasons not to get healthy. There are only excuses for why you’re scared to let go of something you don’t think you can do without. You must believe it’s possible. You must relearn, retrain and reorganize how you look at life – how you look at food – how you look at yourself.
See, I believe heading healthy starts from within. It’s that silent, conscious nod where you accept that only you have the power to make things better. No one else is going to do it for you. We will guide you through the basic principles, offer a few pointers here and there, even provide support when times get tough…but ultimately, you have to take ownership of your own destiny. The time is over for feeling self-pity or hopelessness. You can either cruise your way down the same path that’s led you here – OR – you can make a stand, lift your head up, take a deep breath of fresh air, and DO something about it.
We know you can do it. You know you can do it.
Do it.
Featured Photo by Michal Lomza on Unsplash