We simply can’t predict how everyone is going to react to giving up sugar, processed foods, refined grains and alcohol. After a lifetime of consuming these, there is bound to be some effects from the cessation of these chemicals, toxins, endocrine disruptors, poisons, et cetera. Those, however, will likely be withdrawal symptoms that will go away in a number of days to weeks. You’ll have to decide for yourself if you think there is a serious medical downside to not eating fast food or cutting out soda and juice. As always though, we encourage you to work with your doctor while you undergo any lifestyle choices – especially if you’re on any medications. Naturally resolving the driving factor for a prescription without lowering that prescription, may have unintended health consequences. For example, if you’re taking a blood pressure medication to lower your blood pressure because it’s “too high,” and you naturally lower your blood pressure but continue to take the medication, now your blood pressure may be artificially pushed too low.