But I can at least have caffeine, right?

Some caffeine is okay.  No sodas (yes, even diet sodas).  I don’t care that they don’t have any calories.  Remember, losing weight isn’t about cutting calories.  Coffee and tea is fine, but I highly recommend cutting it out in the beginning so your body can heal.  I know it’s not easy, though – so if you need a few days to wean off the IV drip of coffee, so be it. Of course, that’s without any sweeteners (including artificial sweeteners, sugar, honey, et cetera).  One of our favorite things is bulletproof coffee. There are tons of recipes out there, but I like mine 12oz coffee with 1½ Tbsp butter. Yum! Just try to keep your caffeine habit to a minimum. Excessive amounts of coffee stimulates the adrenal glands and increases cortisol.  It’s just something else that your liver and kidneys need to process, and it can prevent you from burning fat.

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