What is the Paleo Diet?

Diet Basics

Also called the “Caveman Diet” or “Paleolithic Diet” followers of this way of eating, only eat things that our hunter and gatherer ancestors would have eaten. As we say here at Heading Healthy, eat only things that have grown IN the ground, or ON it.  Lots of fresh veggies and fruits, nuts and seeds, meats and fish.  Nothing processed, and no dairy.  If it has a nutrition label, it’s not “food” for the most part.


Good clean healthy organic non-processed food.  All thumbs up from Heading Healthy!


We feel that Paleo is truly a perfect diet. However, if you are trying to lose weight, you do need to be careful with the sugars you are eating.  While fruit and maple syrup are “allowed” with Paleo, large quantities of them will keep you from reaching your goal. Natural sugars are still sugars.